Validation is also typically a manual task; a tester can spend time trying to verify outcomes on the phone and manually looking for the expected data results in a system of record. 验证也是一个常见的人工任务;测试人员必须花费时间试着通过电话验证输出,人工在记录系统中查看预期数据结果。
As with manual test scripts, to run an automated script, you must associate it with a test case and a test execution ( test run) record. 至于手动设置的测试脚本,为了运行一个自动化的脚本,您必须将其与一个测试用例和测试执行(测试运行)记录联系起来。
The operations manual also includes a section where you record a history of actions and changes done to the system. 操作手册还包含一个历史记录部分,其中记录对系统做过的操作和更改。
Select on in the manual test execution record box. 在手动测试执行记录框中进行选择。
Manual accounting systems use special journals to record transactions by category. 手工会计系统根据种类使用专门的日记账来记录交易。
Use manual record to schedule a recording for a specified time and channel. 使用手动录制可在指定时间录制指定频道的内容。
When performing manual testing TFS can record what is occurring in the application. 执行手工测试时,TFS可以记录应用内的执行情况。
If you work in a variety of forms such as catering, brunch and cocktail parties, can design a mini manual, in addition to record food dishes, guests can also this table cards, seats. 如果你安排了多种形式的餐饮,比如早午餐和鸡尾酒会,不妨设计一份迷你手册,除记录餐饮菜式外,客人还可以此为桌卡,对号入座。
After the first unit test runs, but before the second unit test runs, you might want a tester to perform specific manual tasks or to manually record certain metrics. 在第一个单元测试运行后第二个单元测试运行之前,您可能希望测试人员执行某些特定的手动任务或者手动记录某些测定的值。
Describes how to start a manual test run, optionally record comments as the test is running, and set a test result. 介绍如何启动手动测试运行,在运行测试时记录注释(可选)以及设置测试结果。
The method adopted computer to acquire autocollimation data and reduced test data error caused by manual record, so the veracity of test data was improved. 该方法由计算机自动采集自准直仪的数据,解决了以往人工记录引起的测量误差,提高了检测数据的准确性。
And is suitable to various professions multi-spots measured the warm situation, can fixed time the automatic gathering data and prints the record or the manual printing saves in EEPROM the record. 并且适用于各行业多点测温场合,能定时自动采集数据并打印记录或者手动打印存储在EEPROM中的记录。
Method: To do once traction with manual reduction and postural reduction for 34 cases of thoracic lumbar vertebrae fracture patients and compare the X-ray picture before and after, record the changes of the centrum height and the Cobb angle. 方法:对34例胸腰椎骨折病人用一次牵引手法整复和体位复位,治疗前后分别摄片对比,对其受伤椎体高度的变化和Cobb角进行比较。
The framework of ISO 9000 version 2000 documented quality management system is composed of quality manual, standard, quality plan as well as quality record. 2000版ISO9000文件化质量管理体系架构在内容上依然是质量手册、规范、指南、质量计划和质量记录的构成;
The weighing data, the compiles statistical data, the report form data only depend on manual record 、 computation. 称量数据、汇总统计数据、报表数据只能靠手工记录、计算。
Based on fully analyzing typical fuzzy control systems, this paper presents a new method of applying the Boolean association rule data mining techniques to mining of fuzzy control query table directly from the database of manual operating record. 文章在详尽分析典型的模糊控制系统的基础上,给出了一种采用布尔关联规则挖掘技术,从人工操作记录数据库中直接挖掘模糊控制查询表的原理和方法。
The traditional human resources management which is based on manual record cannot meet the current management needs since it is not only time-consuming, but also easy to make mistakes. 纵观历史,人力资源管理的主要方式是人工记录,但传统的这种方式已经远远达不到现在企业发展的管理需求,因为这样传统的人力资源管理方式的弊端不仅仅费时费力,而且还容易出现错误。
Now, the method for the all transform station monitor is adopted by manual record and step-by-step report in most of city gas deliver and piping network. 但是目前,在大多数城市燃气输配管网中,对各调压站的监控仍采取人工记录、逐级汇报的方法。
The enterprises who have engaged in manufacturing or logistics industry have their own warehouse in general. The use of information technology for warehouse management is necessary: the traditional manual record has been unable to meet the needs of daily work. 对于从事制造业或物流业的企业来说,一般都有自己的仓库,使用信息化手段来进行仓库管理势在必行,传统的手工记录已经无法满足日常工作的需要。
Traditional manual labor in the management, such as artificial way to write and record, gradually is replacing by the Management Information Technology. It can enhance not only the efficiency and safety, but also can reduce the error rate. 传统的管理手段如手工劳动、人工书写等方式逐步被大规模的信息化管理所取代,大大提高了工作效率,增强了安全性,减小了出错率。
Realization institute student daily management computerizing, abandons the original manual low efficiency the working mode active status, to the student, the curriculum arranges, the result record and so on the management which computerizes, and provides the information inquiry function. 实现学院学生日常管理的计算机化,抛弃原有手工低效率的工作状态,对学生、课程安排、成绩记录等计算机化的管理,并提供信息查询功能。
The drive-test system can work without other external devices or manual, and it can automatic operate and record automatically multi-standard wireless network information. 该系统无需其他外部设备和人工操作,自动运行并记录多制式无线网络参数信息,改善空口信息采集工作效率。
School students in the school student information management is the focus of the work, the face of so much information, use the manual way to seriously affect the school record of efficiency. 学校对学生学籍信息的管理是学校的工作重点,面对如此多的信息量,使用手工记录的方式严重影响学校办事效率。
The traffic light controller designed in this paper possesses three kinds of control mode: fuzzy control, periodical regular control and manual control, and functions of traffic irregularity check record, emergency handles and user 'free parameter settings. 本文所设计的交通灯控制器具有模糊控制、分段定周期控制、手动控制三种信号控制方式选择,以及违规行为检测记录、故障紧急处理、可由用户自行进行参数设置等功能。
The traditional teaching management is mainly work by a manual way by the corresponding teaching administrator to manually record the daily work. 传统的教学管理主要是以手工的方式进行,由相应的教学管理员进行手工记录日常工作。
Now many real estate enterprises still use the traditional manual style, with paper, pen, artificial record, in the rapid development of information technology now, obviously can not meet the demand of. 现在很多房地产企业还在使用传统的手工记帐方式,通过纸、笔、人工记录,在信息化高速发展的现在,很明显无法满足需求。
At present, workers still mainly use the traditional manual method to measure the length of oil tubes going down into wells in the oil production. They measure every tube by pulling a tape and record the total number. 目前,石油生产中下井油管长度的测量,仍主要采用传统的人工拉皮尺的方法对每一根管柱进行测量和记录。